No matter wherever you go,
There will always be one,
But now they are getting fewer,
Soon they will all be gone.

They are a proud bunch of men,
Proud to have that name,
When they have finally all gone,
The Royal Navy will never be the same.

They came into man's service,
After being well taught,
By Royal Naval professionals,
With experience that cannot be bought.

They were the backbone of the old Navy,
For they knew all that went on,
Their schooling was drilled into them,
Into every Mother's son.

It was a hard life at Ganges,
Being punished for the slightest default,
No matter what time of the day or night,
The punishment did not halt.

It was nothing to climb the high mast,
At night or very early morn,
But they were told it's all for the good,
For that's how sailors are born.

It was a proud moment for some,
They w
ere thrilled and full of joy,
When an instructor did tell them,
"Well done, you are the Button Boy".

But now that proud old school,
Is gone
but its name carries on,
Its fame is in the Old Boy's memory,
That is with every Ganges son.

So hail and farewell to the Ganges,
And to those who life it did share,
The Royal Navy owes a big debt,
To all boys who were trained there.

It's a pity there is no rum ration now,
Which was one of the Navy's joys,
For I would ask every manjack of you,
To drink the health, of the Ganges Boys.