Submariner's tale...

There once was a sub crewed by Scotsmen

the redoubtable men of the north

she patrolled the Atlantic grey waters 

from the base in the Firth of Forth

her skipper, a dour Aberdonian

was known for his tightness of loot

and much tighter yet with torpedoes

with a notice reluctance to shoot

one morning they sighted a tanker

"lets sink it" the crew said with glee

D' ye know ken the price of torpedoes

forget the tankers to wee

now, as they discussed the expenses

a destroyer appeared on the scene

a German with five inch artillery

and shed spotted the Jock submarine

they took the boat down in a hurry

while the German came on at a pace

"our skipper will save us" the crew said

but the captain remained stoney faced

they sat on the bottom for hours

dead quiet no man made a sound

while the German let loose her depth charges

and continued to circle around

then a voice echoed out of the silence

in anguish it cried simply this

"just fire the bloody torpedoes

I'll foot the bill if you miss!"